
What are the Safety Precautions for a Hurricane?

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For those living in the South, inclement weather—especially hurricanes—can pose a risk to locals. Louisiana is particularly at risk. Given the state’s proximity to the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, those who call Louisiana home must be prepared for tropical storms’ impact from June to November. If you are a business owner, you may be wondering, “What are the safety precautions for a hurricane?” In this blog post, Canal HR will guide you through staying prepared before, during, and after storms, as well as how PEOs can aid your company in creating disaster plans.

What are the Safety Precautions for a Hurricane: A Step-by-Step Guide

Whether you are in the thick of hurricane season or want to prepare beforehand, there are ways you can protect yourself and your business from tropical storms and hurricanes. Keeping these considerations in mind will ensure your company’s security year-round.

Before Hurricane Season

Develop a BCP

A business continuity plan (BCP) is a series of protocols outlining a company’s plan for responding to natural disasters and other emergencies. The plan covers several different sectors of your business, from HR to technology to assets, it’s an exceptionally thorough solution that’s designed to make recovering from a storm as straightforward and efficient as possible. It will allow your business to get back on its feet quickly if hit by a hurricane.

Invest in Hurricane Insurance Coverage

Hurricanes are powerful forces of nature, and that means they wreak havoc upon local infrastructure. If your business is located in a hurricane-prone area, investing in a commercial property insurance policy is worthwhile. The policy will protect your company against potential hurricane damage, adding an additional layer of financial security.

Backup Your Data

Your digital technology could be at risk once hurricane season arrives. In order to ensure that your data is secure and won’t be lost in the midst of inclement weather, back it up and store it in at least one off-site location. This will provide more peace of mind should the weather impact your information tech.

During Hurricane Season

Monitor Weather Conditions

As hurricane season begins, stay up-to-date on weather conditions near you. Consult your local news station, or opt for broadcasts that come directly from NOAA Weather Radio. This will ensure that you’re aware of any hazardous weather coming your way. If you receive news that a severe hurricane will impact your business for a significant period of time (whether due to power outages, evacuations, etc), inform your employees, clients, and stakeholders as soon as possible. Continue keeping them updated until the storm passes.

Protect Company Property

If you foresee an incoming hurricane affecting your water, gas, and/or electricity, shut them off in advance. Turning off utilities can minimize the damage to your business’ infrastructure, which in turn will save your company from future expenses and stress.

Another way to limit property damage is to board up windows. Hurricanes are characterized by strong winds and can fling debris into the air. For maximum protection, install storm shutters to prevent shattered windows.

Prioritize Employee Safety

It’s important to demonstrate care and sympathy for your employees in the wake of a natural disaster. As hurricanes draw near, remind your team that they should prioritize their safety first, whether in the workplace or at home. Also, remind them of the importance of communication. If they need additional support at work or need to evacuate the area for their safety, they should know they can turn to you.

After Hurricane Season

Follow Through on BCP

If your company has a BCP in place, now is the perfect time to consult it since the hurricanes are over. Provide each department with the proper instructions for responding and adjusting to a post-hurricane workplace.

As you settle back into your standard work operations, consider whether there are any BCP procedures that are lacking in detail or oversights that you missed before. If this is the case, update the BCP or draft a new copy.

Inspect Property for Damages

If you and your coworkers experienced any power outages, turned off utilities, or evacuated during the hurricane, check the function and structural integrity of your business property upon returning onsite. When returning to the workplace for the first time after a storm, proceed cautiously through the building; if winds were particularly strong, there could be shattered glass on the floor. 

As you inspect the building, make note of any lasting damages and safety hazards. Once you’re done surveying the property, identify which damages need to be addressed first.

Financial Recovery

Once your property inspection is complete, keep the list of damages in a safe place. Refer back to it as you file for insurance claims. If your company does not currently have a commercial property insurance policy or you seek additional financial support, consider exploring financial assistance programs and loans as other means of financial recovery.

Canal HR’s Hurricane Prep Solutions

With the help of Canal HR, there are even more answers to the question, “What are the safety precautions for a hurricane?” Canal HR is a licensed Professional Employer Organization (PEO) based out of Metairie, LA. We offer outsourced HR assistance specifically tailored to small businesses in the southern US. We take care of behind-the-scenes support so you can focus more on your company.

Here are some of the ways we support you as you face hurricane season:

  • Payroll Preparation: We take care of payroll preparation by delivering checks to employees, providing payroll reports, and ensuring we work in compliance with the latest employment legislation. By outsourcing your business’ payroll, you can guarantee your employees get paid on time, regardless of the weather.
  • Risk Management: Our proactive risk management services are based on identifying potential risks to your company before you face them, including hazard risks like hurricanes. We produce risk maps to help you identify potential dangers to your company, and we also propose and implement risk solutions.

If you’re ready to discover all the ways to respond to the question, “What are the safety precautions for a hurricane?” Canal HR is here for you. We encourage you to contact us today, and we look forward to creating hurricane prep solutions together.