July Safety Topic: Working Outside in Hot Weather
If you live in the south, summer means high temperatures combined with high humidity. That is also the recipe for heat stress. We offer the following suggestions and precautions for employees who work outside. Try to avoid really heavy work during the middle part of the day. You can help prevent heat illness by drinking […]
8 Quick Reasons Why Companies Like Yours Outsource to PEOs
Controls costs Saves time and paperwork hassles Provides professional assistance with compliance (e.g., payroll, Affordable Care Act) Reduces turnover and attracts better employees Manages workers’ compensation claims Provides better benefit packages(s) Provides professional human resource services (e.g., forms, policies and procedures) Reduces accounting costs
Are All Employers Subject to the ACA Play-or-Pay Penalty?
No, only applicable large employers are subject to the employer play-or-pay requirement. The ACA defines an applicable large employer as an employer that, during the prior calendar year, employed an average of at least 50 full-time employees. To calculate the number of full-time employees for this purpose, an employer must look at: (1) actual full-time […]
FREE Prescription Drug Card Compliments of Canal HR
Canal HR is proud to offer you and your family/friends a FREE DISCOUNT DRUG CARD. Simply print the free card below and receive savings of up to 75 percent at over 56,000 pharmacies across the country (savings average around 30 percent). This card is especially helpful if you are uninsured or underinsured. However, even if […]
Now that it’s law, employers are legally obligated to comply with PPACA’s requirements. One such requirement is that employers are required to send to all employees a health insurance exchange notice. The notice should contain. Exchange information – Employer’s requirement to notify employees of the existence of the exchange, the services provided by exchange and how employee […]
A W-4 Form with No Social Security Number & Other Payroll Pitfalls to Avoid
Do you know what to do if your new hire fills out a W-4 form with no Social Security number or there’s a mistake on one of the forms needed for payroll? If you don’t know what to do next, don’t panic. Canal HR has helpful solutions to common payroll pitfalls like this one. As […]
New “SafeHarbor Rules” on Affordability Test
The “affordability” of Health Insurance coverage offered by a large employer (50 or more employees) is a key point in complying with PPACA mandates. The IRS recently issued a notice confirming two new safe harbor standards for determining whether or not your plan is affordable. Under the original PPACA law, coverage is considered affordable if […]
May Safety Topic: Drugs, Alcohol and Work
An employee who is abusing drugs or alcohol in the workplace can create a range of problems with very serious consequences for his company, fellow employees and himself. Some examples are but are not limited to: injuries, absenteeism, lost production and economic losses associated with damaged equipment or property. With that knowledge in mind, it […]
Do you know your internal costs for handling payroll?
Does it make economic sense to outsource your payroll activity? Here are 10 cost factors of managing payroll internally you should consider when comparing your options… 1.Training of payroll staff. 2. Dedicating personnel for payroll versus other business tasks. 3.Buying and upgrading management software and hardware. 4.Gathering payroll-related information . 5. Performing calculations for wages […]
Canal HR April Safety Topic: Hand Tools
Hand tools are used so often that we may not remember that they can pose hazards. Our safety meeting today is to help prevent tool-related accidents by removing or avoiding associated hazards and learning safety precautions. Hand tools are non-powered. They include anything from axes to hammers. Always wear the approved eye protection, dust masks […]
How Small Business Offers Big Benefits
Good employee benefits boost worker job satisfaction in any company, and the ability of a small business to offer a competitive benefit package lets those businesses compete more effectively in the war for talent. The key to the success of a small business to offer competitive benefits is often a professional employer organization (PEO), a […]
Canal HR March SAFETY TOPIC: Working With Chemicals Safely
Outlined below are some basic safety suggestions and rules that can prevent injury, accident or explosions if you follow them when working with chemicals. Read labels of any chemical containers before opening. OSHA requires that employers label hazardous chemicals with an easy identification system. The National Fire Protections Agency has a system of colors and […]