

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently announced a delay of approximately one to two weeks to the start of the upcoming tax filing season, which is a result of the 16-day federal government shutdown. The original start date of when the IRS would begin accepting and processing tax returns was expected to be January 21, […]

October Safety Topic: Power Tools

Power tools can be hazardous when improperly used.  Power tools can be electric, pneumatic, liquid fuel, hydraulic or powder-actuated depending on their power source.  It is important that you understand the potential hazards and know the safety precautions needed when operating power tools. Always wear approved eye and ear protection, dust masks and appropriate clothing […]

Did you know you could set up a 401k plan at your business and not have to match employee’s contributions?

Many business owners would like to start a 401k plan at their business, but don’t because they assume that they have to immediately match employee contributions, which sounds costly. Actually employers don’t have to match contributions, unless they want to. Below is more information concerning why to start a 401k at your business. Why 401k […]

Canal HR Assists You with the Health Care Exchange

Canal HR is Ready to assist you with obtaining insurance through the Health Care Exchange. The insurance department at Canal HR has been preparing for all of the requirements of the Affordable Health Care Act for over a year. All of our people have completed hours upon hours of education, training and testing on every […]

PEO…What is that? AND Why Would I Use One?

1. Relief from the burden of employment administration. They assume a wide range of administrative functions, such as payroll processing and related tax filings, employee file maintenance and workers’ compensation claims management. PEOs also handle much of the employer-related paperwork associated with government compliance and benefits administration. Having the PEO responsible for the details of […]

Can I use an agent or broker to buy health insurance in the Marketplace?

Can I use an agent or broker to buy health insurance in the Marketplace? You will be able to use a licensed agent or broker to provide help or handle your SHOP business. You won’t pay more if you use a SHOP agent or broker. Get SHOP help from experienced agents or brokers A licensed agent or broker […]

7 Great Reasons Why Companies Use PEOs to keep the Government OFF Their Back

Consolidates several small companies’ employment tax filings into one More professional preparation and reporting Accelerated collection of taxes Extends access to medical benefits to more workers Improves the communication of government requirements and changes to small businesses Reduces litigation by resolving many problems before they reach court Allows government agencies to reach businesses through a single-employer entity

August Safety Topic: Exit Routes

All employers should ensure that there is a continuous and unobstructed path of exit from all areas of the worksite to a place of safety.  As defined by OSHA there are three components of an exit route.  These are: Exit access – portion of an exit route that leads to an exit. Exit – portion […]

Does the Healthcare Coverage Provide Minimum Value?

The Department of Health and Human Services has provided a minimum value calculator to determine if the plan is deemed to pay for at least 60% of the benefits. Alternatively, the regulators will publish safe harbor plan designs that are deemed to provide minimum value. Plans with nonstandard features may use a certified actuary.

The Affordable Care Act — What Businesses Need To Know

50 Is The Number. A business that has 50 or fewer full-time employees is not subject to a penalty for failing to provide affordable health insurance to its employees. So, now the questions – what is “full-time?” – full-time is defined as working thirty-hours a week (or more) on average during a one-month period. Part-time […]

8 Quick Reasons Why Employees Feel More Secure When Their company uses a PEO

Access to comprehensive benefits previously unavailable Better employer/employee communications Payroll on-time and accurate Professional assistance with employment-related problems Extension of statutory protection to more employees Up-to-date information on labor regulations and workers’ rights, worksite safety Efficient & responsive claims processing Portable benefits (employees can move from one PEO client to another without loss of eligibility for benefits)

July Safety Topic: Working Outside in Hot Weather

If you live in the south, summer means high temperatures combined with high humidity.  That is also the recipe for heat stress.  We offer the following suggestions and precautions for employees who work outside. Try to avoid really heavy work during the middle part of the day. You can help prevent heat illness by drinking […]